Thailand |
His Excellency, Suvit Yodmani, PhD
Ministry of Tourism and Sports
Bangkok, Thailand |
Phonsiri Manoharn
Governor, Tourism Authority of Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand |
United States |
Toi Arnold
MEDS Global Healthcare
Los Angeles, California |
Richard F. Corlin, MD, FACP
Southern California Medical Gastroenterology Group, Inc.
Santa Monica, California |
Gregory O. Ginn, PhD
Professor in the Department of Health Care Administration and Policy
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada |
Fred Hagigi, DrPH, MBA, MPH
Director, Executive Education Programs
UCLA School of Public Health
Los Angeles, California |
Rome Jutabha, MD
Medical Director, MEDS Global Healthcare
Associate Professor of Medicine
Director, UCLA Center for Small Bowel Diseases
Director, International Affairs
Division of Digestive Diseases
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Los Angeles, California
John R. Lyon
Business Development, MEDS Global Healthcare
Chief Executive Officer, Lerner Medical Devices
Escondido, California
Bruce McLucas, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California
Thomas A. McPherson
Independent Consultant
Health and Productivity Management
Seattle, Washington |
Li Poa, MD
Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Enloe Medical Center
Chico, California
Kantathi Suphamongkhon, PhD
39th Minister of Foreign Affairs
University of California Regents’ Professor, Burkle Center Senior Fellow
UCLA Department of Political Science
Los Angeles, California |
Maria K. Todd, MHA, PhD
Healthpro Consulting
Brooklyn, New York |
L. Carl Volpe, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor
UCLA School of Public Health
Los Angeles, California |